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Helping to promote businesses either based or working in the London Borough of Redbridge

Fight against Cybercrime

Redbridge Chamber Supports Businesses in the Fight Against Cybercrime

The rise of cybercrime poses a growing threat to small businesses, putting both assets and customer data at serious risk.  A staggering 90% of cyber breaches affected small to medium-sized businesses in 2023, with 60% of those impacted shutting down within six months of an attack. 

 It’s critical that SMEs stay informed and take steps to prevent cyber-attacks, ensuring the safety of their businesses and customers. To help raise awareness during Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we encourage businesses attend  our presentation  by Bell ICT on the 9th October 2024 .  

This presentation helps identify whether your current practices are exposing you to increased risks of cyber and data breaches. 

Protect your business today and help safeguard the Redbridge community.

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