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Helping to promote businesses either based or working in the London Borough of Redbridge

Interview with Leonore Lord-Patterson

Interview with Leonore Lord-Patterson, MBPsS, FRSA, PPM, Executive of RCC

Interview conducted by Michelle Harris

Leonore is a business psychologist who supports and mentors, local entrepreneurs starting their own companies.  

What inspired you to join the Redbridge Chamber of Commerce?

I am an absolute believer in localism generally and its importance for all businesses at whatever stage, to have a local presence and be part of the business community.

What inspired you to become a member of Redbridge Chamber of Commerce and to then stand as part of the executive team?

Primarily, I am based in the London Borough of Redbridge and have also worked regionally in surrounding areas such as Harlow for more than 15 years. My experience has demonstrated that businesses tend to be different and dependent upon the community. Hence involvement in your own local area benefits business owners upon multiple levels both for visibility and ability to network. It is far easier to develop opportunities with those in the same community. I feel all SME business owners should be members of their local Chamber of Commerce.

Why do you recommend businesses join the Redbridge Chamber of Commerce?

The collective voice has infinitely more gravitas and ability to steer improvement and facilitate change where necessary rather than as a sole voice. All local businesses share the same dilemmas and concerns. By sharing experience and offering a network of support, facilitates a professional network and to everybody’s benefit and most importantly, to implement actions.

You are respected throughout the community for your professional work. Can you please tell me more about your business?

My business True Measure was established in 2009. I support and mentor people who are neuro diverse and for instance, those with dyspraxia, attention deficit disorder (hyperactive, combined, and inattentive), dyslexia etc. I help them to achieve full and rewarding lives where certain aspects of their neurological processing can be positively utilised within the business environment. Also educating business owners on the benefits of certain conditions for specific tasks. Some conditions have the capability for phenomenal absorption of detail and analytics. Everybody has a place within the community, and I support those channels.

And as business entrepreneurs?

Absolutely. Those who are neuro-diverse are invariably great problem-solvers and entrepreneurs as they rarely confine themselves to narrow parameters but explore far wider boundaries through perhaps their creativity or ability to see a far greater picture. Times are changing and although disability has historically been perceived as a disability, it is now being redefined as having a positive impact. I am also particularly interested in cultural influences.

Are you on any other boards?

I work with Cambridge University on their Cambridge Social Ventures programme. They have an incubator that supports early-stage entrepreneurs with businesses that support the community such as a Doggy Day Care Centre for a business owner in London. I am also helping an individual who has previously struggled with substance abuse, to establish a business.

The Redbridge Chamber of Commerce is very important to the local community. You bring an incredible expertise and intellectual support which can benefit so many people. It has been a pleasure to meet and interview you. Thank you.

True Measure Limited is an independent consultancy which offers a full remit of services including training, consultancy, project management, psychometric assessments, mentoring and coaching. Leonore’s expertise is helping those with multiple barriers to employment or entrepreneurship including a disability history of substance misuse.

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