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LSME Career Fair 2023

LSME Career Fair 2023, inviting employers to attend

29th June (Thursday) from 14:30 – 17:30 LSME in the main campus.

London School of Management Education (LSME) is a specialised Higher Education institute based in the Borough of Redbridge. We offer high quality and affordable learning opportunities in the areas of Health and Social Care, Teacher Training and Business Management. We are approved by the Office for Students and academic standards are monitored and reviewed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).

Here at LSME, we strongly believe that the cycle of Education is not complete until the learner is able to seamlessly apply the knowledge and skills acquired effectively in their work environment. Hence LSME seeks to engage closely with potential employers and keep in sync with the market requirements.  This effort has led to LSME to develop a practical Employer Engagement Strategy. In order to implement this Strategy, we conduct an Employers Forum and Careers Fair.

LSME Career Fair is aimed at bringing potential employers from various sectors of the Job Market and our learners together. The learners would have the opportunity to learn from the employers about their needs, expectations and most importantly the employment opportunities that are on offer. Equally important for the students is the information on the possibility of job placements or apprenticeships and avenues for experiential learning and familiarizing with the work environments.

The Employer also stands to benefit, by having instant access to a large group of trained and on the training professionals for immediate or later recruitment. It is an opportunity to orient and guide potential employees for future recruitments. The event would be a great marketing and promotional avenue in the Boroughs of Redbridge and the Barking and Dagenham as well. Also, it would be an opportunity to form a strategic alliance with LSME for future joint programmes, collaborations and contribute to shaping the curriculum to suit the job market.

Should you wish, we would be happy to provide further details of the event. Thank you.

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