The latest networking event – reviews
Our last Redbridge Chamber of Commerce event was held on 23rd November at Redbridge Sports Centre. It was a resounding success with excellent attendance from both members and visitors.
We had an excellent talk from Michelle Harris of Star Copywriting on the importance of marketing during a recession. It was vibrant, informative and wholly relevant to the current situation.
It’s always nice to meet up with like-minded business owners. Every RCC networking event is inspiring. Especially this one – Michelle delivered an amazing talk on Marketing. Every event teaches you something, the time spent there never goes to waste.
A lively debate and Q&A session followed the talk with members/visitors being able to network and discuss business opportunities.
If you would be interested to attend the next event – please contact us: chamber@redbridgechamber.com or via the website: www.redbridgechamber.com